#18 Las Chula All Ladies
Ensenada, Mexico 2018

Built for:
Sofia, Alessandra and Jorge Santiago Lopez Sofia is a 35 year old single mom to Alessandra (11) and Jorge (7). They lived in a
room made from metal scraps with a dirt floor.
Sofia works cleaning a house, three days per week earning $600 pesos per week (Around 30 USD). The days she is not cleaning she sells yogurt she makes.
Sofia already has a property. Her sister made most of the payments and gave it to her. She has worked hard to make the final payments. The property came with a small wood room but the previous owner told her it's only temporary, and she will need a new one because the wood is in really bad shape and it is not safe.
Thank you:
Karen Beatty, Sonya Bitner, Jordan Cook, Darcy Hansen, Monique Herman, Havah Kinne, Destiny Norris, Laurie Norris, Liz Pachter, Michele Sears, Cynthia and Bekah Smith, Cindy Turley, Donna Edwards, Melissa Brown, Lory Brown, Ginger McHenry, Jami Vance, Holli Shih, Jane/Hannah and Naomi Ray, Stephanie Murillo, The Flores girls, Jocelyn and Bigtha
Sofia recently told us this story about living in her previous house...
One evening when she was away at work, her children Alessandra and Jorge were home alone. Men broke into their house,
stole everything they owned but did not hurt her kids. With tears in her eyes she told us she now knows her children will be okay when
she is away because her new home has a lock on the door and windows. For the first time she feels safe.
And with tears in our eyes as we listened, we once again, determined to keep building homes for families in need.

Olivia's Basket is an integral part of the Abide Collective, a registered 501(c)(3) in the state of Arkansas.
All donations will receive a tax receipt and are eligible for deduction abidecollective.org.