#32 Family Build
Ensenada, Mexico
September 19-22, 2024
Built for:
Martina, Yesenia (18) and Luis (16). Martina told us she has dreamed about having a home since she was a girl. The family was living in a public transport van; all three adults. A friend purchased the property for them so they are debt free in having a new home. Yesenia, who just finished high school, says she wants to be a teacher. They said they are very grateful to have people around them who are good because they have been through difficult times. She said, sometimes they cannot believe how God blesses them with so much love, like right now with the house.
Family Build:
Herman Family: Monique, Paul, Aiden, Liam, Dale
Hodge Family: Corrie, Trevor, Natalie, Allison, Orion
Sommer/Maxwell Family: Kristine, Peter, Siri, Donna, Oscar
Ray Family: Jane and John
David Alferez and Ruben Nuno
Staff: Julio, Axel, Liz and Lalo

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Olivia's Basket is an integral part of the Abide Collective, a registered 501(c)(3) in the state of Arkansas.
All donations will receive a tax receipt and are eligible for deduction abidecollective.org.