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#25 Las Chulas
Ensenada, Mexico
September 16-20, 2021
Built for:
Flora and her son Leo have been living with her family since shortly after he was born. Little by little Flora paid for property of her own and her sister Sonora moved in with her to help. A year ago, Flora’s uncle helped them build a small one room home of wood.
Flora goes to college from Monday to Thursday majoring in psychology and works from Friday to Sunday to pay for college and buy what she needs for her home. Flora hopes for a home for her son without a roof that leaks when it rains and for Leo to have a bed of his very own.
A special story about Flora and her family
Flora, her four year old son Leo and Flora’s sister were sitting on the single bed they shared in their small home. Pointing beneath their bed they told us a story.
Their property we were building on has a steep slope of dirt and rocks with steps chiseled out to help you get to the top. Flora told us she and her sister shoveled dirt and moved large rocks to make the foundation for their new home.
They said some men in the area would watch them as they worked and laughed at them and called them names because no one would ever be able to live on this property.
This went on for six weeks. She then said all their tools were under the bed; both of their shovels.
Hannah and I looked at these two strong women who have two shovels and a mountain of hope for a home. Add to this a team of thirteen ladies who said “yes” to helping build a home for a family. And then there is the loving generosity from you that helped make this home a reality.
I told Flora there are many people you will never meet who have helped build your home because they care. Thank you for caring. And thank you for being part of this amazing story.
Las Chulas:
Rebecca Wall, Cindy Turley, Harper Riner, Sarah Moore, Sultana Johansen, Allison Hodge, Corrie Hodge, Grace, Kelly Foster, BayleaCantrell, Jane Ray, Hannah Lloyd-Jones, Anabel flores, Elizabet Flores, Sarai Flores

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